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Seachdain na Gàidhlig - World Gaelic Week - 20th-26th February 2023

20 Feb 23
by Nathon Jones

Seachdain na Gàidhlig

The first official nationwide language and culture week aims to raise the profile of Gaelic through community initiatives, projects and events. To celebrate, we'll be hosting a Gaelic singing workshop and concert featuring Rachel Walker & Aaron Jones at The Vault Arts Centre on Friday 24th February.

Thigibh a dh'fheuchainn air Seinn Ghàidhlig le Rachel Walker. Seo cothrom òran neo dhà ionnsachadh agus abairtean Gàidhlig a tha feumail a thogail. Chan eil ro-eòlas air a' Ghàidhlig riatanach - dìreach thoiribh leibh ur guthan!

Come and try Gaelic song with Rachel Walker. A chance to learn a song or two and pick up some handy Gaelic phrases. No previous experience needed, just bring your voices

Gaelic Singing Workshop - Book Online

Bidh an seinneadair Gàidhlig cliùiteach Rachel Walker agus an seinneadair is cluicheadair-ciùil Aaron Jones a' comharrachadh sàr bhoireannaich Albannach, le bhith a' cumail a' chlàir chumhachdaich aca, 'Despite The Wind And Rain' ro luchd-èisteachd. Còmhla, tha an dithis air measgachadh cruthachail is tionnsgalach de cheòl co-aimsireil a thoirt gu buil, a nochdas sgeulachdan bhoireannach ionmholta ann an eachdraidh na h-Alba, a' soillseachadh an cuid soirbheachais, smioralas, tionnsgainneachd is tulchuis.

Renowned Gaelic vocalist Rachel Walker and singer/instrumentalist Aaron Jones celebrate amazing Scottish women as they present their powerful new album ‘Despite The Wind And Rain’. Part of Seachdain na Gàidhlig / World Gaelic Week.

Together, the duo create an inventive blend of traditional and contemporary music which showcases stories of inspirational women throughout Scottish history and celebrates achievement, courage, entrepreneurship and perseverance.

Rachel Walker & Aaron Jones Concert - Book Online


Book Online

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Outstanding sponsorship support from Five Kingdoms Brewery

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Nathon Jones

Workshops at this year's festival

With so many outstanding musicians in Newton Stewart this weekend it would be foolish not to take full advantage, and we've done just that with a superb programme of traditional music workshops which are included as part of the Weekend Pass ticket, £10 per adult or £Free for under 25s.  

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Nathon Jones

Highland dancing competition unable to go ahead this year

It is with a heavy heart that we announce the postponement of this year's Highland dancing competition at Newton Stewart & Minnigaff Traditional Music & Dance Festival. Continued funding cuts have meant some very difficult decisions have had to be made, however we do hope to bring this back in 2025.  

26 Jun 24
Nathon Jones

Trad Music Trust

The 10th annual Newton Stewart & Minnigaff Traditional Music & Dance Festival takes place over the 12th-14th July 2024. It's an incredible achievement. The charity has created a viable, sustainable, event that continues to grow and develop, proudly celebrating the very best in traditional Scottish, Irish and World music. Make sure you book early for what is shaping up to be the biggest event yet!

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Commercial Sponsors:
  • Five Kingdoms Brewery Logo
  • Crafty Distillery Logo
  • WEST Brewery Logo
Funded by:
  • Dumfries & Galloway Council Logo
  • The Holywood Trust Logo